Saturday, January 22, 2011

lc-tools 0.1.4 released!

I'm happy to announce release of lc-tools 0.1.4.

This release is based on libcould 0.4.2 which was released not so long ago. Changes from the previous version include support of the brand new SSL handling in libcloud, some custom features for Rackspace and GoGrid drivers and minor bugfixes. Please check NEWS file for a full list of changes.

There are some non-function changes as well: lc-tools got its own website and also a tutorial.

You can install the new version using either easy_install:

easy_install lctools

or by downloading and installing it by hands:


SHA256 (lctools-0.1.4.tar.gz) = 407ce1f29f0e869219ffff2f866fb6de226b693bf925817b6b43a612120b1ff7

Happy hacking on the cloud stuff!

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