Thursday, September 3, 2015

sriovmng: a tool to manage SR-IOV devices on Linux

Last few months I've been working with the SR-IOV devices on Linux, specifically with OpenStack. And while everything that is needed for day to day operations with SR-IOV devices could be done through the sysfs, I'm having a hard time remembering all the proper paths there. So I decided to write a tool I called sriovmng that will be save me from direct sysfs operations.

This tool supports the following operations:

  • Listing all the SR-IOV interfaces
  • Querying information about specific SR-IOV devices to show its device and vendor ids, number of VFs configured and VFs PCI address
  • Querying interface name by its PCI address and vice versa
  • Setting a number of VFs for device

The tool is written in Python and is available here:

It could be installed using python install. I haven't yet uploaded it to pypi because I need to add some unit tests for it and also would appreciate if somebody could give it some real testing as well. Please let me know if you'd like to test it and if I could provide any help.

I have tested it myself with the ixgbe driver and it appears to work fine with this setup.

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